Greetings, I'm Angel-Marie, a tarot reader, artist, and advocate based in Baltimore. I am deeply connected to my ancestors and rely on my intuition as a spiritual guide.
My purpose in working with you is to provide the highest level of clarity possible. It is my intention to offer insightful and meaningful readings that can help you navigate your journey and achieve your goals.
Thank you for considering me as your trusted guide.
My Story
"Ever since I was young, I've had a deep connection with the spiritual world. My journey began with being able to see and communicate with spirits, and my grandmother and aunt often referred to me as a "Rainbow Child". As I matured, my interest in spiritual practices grew, and I found myself drawn to various mediums, such as books, sage, crystals, and workshops.
However, it wasn't until more recent years that I discovered my connection with Tarot. I credit my spirit guides for helping me unlock this inner gift and am grateful for the journey that has led me to where I am today."